As you are aware, in September 2019 Hutchens Petroleum and Rentz-Eden Oil merged to create a stronger more diversified company for the future. During the first months, we have worked to make sure you our valued customers saw no decrease in the level of service you have come to expect. We also have taken this time to evaluate how we could leverage on the strengths of each individual company into a stronger integrated organization. Over the next several months we will be implementing some opportunities we see to improve our service.
First, we have setup REO service to focus our ability to provide service to our convenience and service station dealers. We are currently Verifone and Wayne certified. We are working with our vendors to also become Gilbarco Veeder-Root certified.
Second, we will be implementing a new accounting system and utilize technology to be more responsive and easy to do business with. For our heritage Hutchens Petroleum customers we will implement the new accounting system during the second quarter of 2020. Our heritage Eden Oil customers we will implement during the third quarter of 2020. Our goal is by the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2020 all of our facilities will be on the same systems. During this process, you may notice the layout of our delivery tickets and invoices are slightly different.
Next, we are integrating the dispatch of our transport fleets, so you may have the opportunity to meet another of our amazing drivers.
Finally, we have revamped our logo and image to better communicate that we are an integrated organization. Like the old saying goes, “there’s no use in re-inventing the wheel”. We chose to continue capitalizing on the names we have built our reputations on. Our mission remains to “DELIVER THE RIGHT PRODUCT AND SERVICE ON TIME, EVERY TIME IN A WAY THAT CREATES LOYALTY”.
In closing, I would like to THANK YOU for your business and we appreciate the opportunity to be of service.
Hutchens Rentz-Eden
Timothy Hutchens