A Gas Station’s Cheat Sheet For Environmental Regulation

Running a gas station is 24/7/365—quite literally.

Hutchens Rentz-Eden understands that gas station owners and fleet managers are constantly thinking about dozens of things at once, from fuel pricing, inventory and suppliers to marketing and staff training—the list goes on.

That’s why we wrote a cheat sheet for environmental regulation in this month’s blog. We hope it provides a starting point for you to make those monthly walk-through inspections a little easier.

Gas Station Environmental Regulation Is Complex.

As a gas station owner or someone who oversees fuel dispensing, understanding environmental regulations is crucial yet complex. All for good reason. Ensuring compliance protects the environment and safeguards your business from potential fines, penalties, and reputational damage.

Wide angle shoot of Exxon gasoline station and convenience store.

Compliance Schedules & Requirements Vary By Area.

There are often monthly, quarterly, triennial and annual requirements to coordinate simultaneously, depending on where you live. [Remember to consult with local environmental agencies, industry associations or consultants like REO Service for specific guidance and regulations applicable to your area.]

Common regulations and inspections cover things such as:

  • Vapor and groundwater monitoring,
  • Spill containment,
  • Leak detection,
  • Corrosion protection,
  • Vacuum/pressure monitoring,
  • Sensor inspection,
  • Containment sump visual inspections,
  • Spill bucket integrity and overfill operability,
  • Certifications,
    and more!

So where do you start, and which one is most important? That’s a trick question.

Six Steps To Get Your Gas Station Organized With Compliance.

Almost everything regarding your gas station’s environmental regulations is important, so it’s hard to rank or prioritize. But here are some key steps to take and stay on top of to remain compliant.

  1. Primary Operator Training and Employee Awareness: Train your staff on environmental regulations, spill response procedures, proper waste management practices and other relevant topics. REO Service helps with A, B and C operator training and can do it on-site!
  2. Environmental Permitting: Be aware of any required environmental permits for your gas station, such as those related to air emissions, hazardous waste storage or stormwater discharge. Understand these permits’ application process, renewal requirements and potential inspections.
  3. Hazardous Waste Management: Understand the proper handling, storage and disposal of hazardous waste from your gas station, such as used oil, filters and other chemical products. Comply with regulations related to labeling, storage time limits, manifesting and recycling options.
  4. Spill Response and Prevention: Implement spill prevention measures, such as proper storage, labeling and handling procedures. Establish an emergency spill response plan and ensure the availability of spill response equipment, including containment booms and absorbents.
  5. Vapor Recovery Systems: Stay informed about regulations regarding vapor recovery systems, which capture gasoline vapors during refueling. Understand the requirements for installation, operation, maintenance and periodic testing of these systems.
  6. Compliance Reporting and Record-Keeping: Last but not least. Understand the reporting and record-keeping responsibilities related to environmental compliance. Maintain accurate records of inspections, monitoring, training, permits and any incidents or spills.

REO Service Technicians Assist Business Owners With Regulatory Work.

REO Service is here to help you with the complexities of environmental regulation. Our experienced technicians know all North Carolina and Virginia requirements and can walk you through monthly checklists and annual regulatory forms. If you’re ready to delegate these tedious processes or just want someone to walk you through it a few times, we can help.

Gasoline, Diesel & Kerosene technician at a gas station pump.

Gas Stations Can Depend On Hutchens Rentz-Eden For Reliable Gasoline Delivery & Service.

Since 1975, we’ve provided trusted petroleum, gas pump maintenance and environmental compliance assistance in Virginia and North Carolina. Whatever your fuel preferences, you can expect professional and consistent deliveries from the HRE team. Contact us about your gas station’s needs, and we’ll help you get started!

Want Assistance With Environmental Compliance?