Hutchens Rentz-Eden’s Online Portal Is Your Ultimate Gasoline & Diesel Management Solution.

It’s 2023, and convenience is king. You can request a cab, deposit checks to your bank account and even start your car from your phone.

Ordering gasoline and diesel from a fuel supplier should be the same.

At Hutchens Rentz-Eden (HRE), we understand that managing your fuel orders and inventory must be quick to meet the demands of your day.

That’s why we offer our fuel clients a user-friendly online portal. Keep reading to learn how this online hub streamlines your workflow by allowing you to check pricing, place orders and review inventory.

Hutchens Rentz-Eden tank truck filling up with diesel at fuel station

3 Ways The Online Portal Simplifies Your Job.

1. Order Gasoline & Diesel From Anywhere, On Any Device.

Flexibility is essential in today’s dynamic business environment. Our online portal works on all devices, so whether you’re on your phone, desktop or tablet, you can place orders, track account history and more in just a few clicks. Fuel management has never been so convenient, allowing you to manage your business on your own time.

2. Monitor Fuel Usage & Inventory Information In One Place.

Gone are the days when estimating fuel usage is just guesswork. Our online portal tracks your fuel usage and delivery history for you. Using the Reporting/Order History tab, you can easily view and compare your recent order volumes, analyze trends and make informed decisions for future orders. This data-driven approach gives you peace of mind and saves you from sifting through stacks of old invoices.

3. Instantly Get Transparent Fuel Pricing for Peace of Mind.

The online portal is a quick way to get updated pricing.  When your price changes you get a push notification with the current prices.  You don’t have to search your emails and if you miss the notification you can always check the portal for your price. This saves you time calling the office during business hours. This transparency makes managing your fuel supply and budget more accessible, especially in a volatile fuel market.

Customer Experience Representatives Are Here To Help.

If you need help with the online portal, the HRE team is just a phone call away. Learning new technology can be tricky, and we’re happy to help you set up your account and learn how to use it for your specific business needs. Contact us today with questions!

Ready to Embrace the Future of Fuel Management?

Hutchens Rentz-Eden’s online portal fuels everyday life with the power of technology, and fuel management has never been this intuitive and efficient. Sign up for the online portal and experience modern gasoline and diesel management.

customer service representative helping gasoline customer with online portal.

Start Doing Your Gasoline & Diesel Business On Your Own Time